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1. I don't have the capital
2. I don't know how to start.
3.a I can’t start small
3. I am scared that if I start this business, it may not sell. *
4. I will start later. (next month, next year). procrastination
5. I don't have enough money, I want to start very big.
6. When I graduate from School, finish my NYSC, I will start.
7. If I start a business now, I won't have time for my studies.
8. I don't have money to rent a shop.

9. I want to register my business name before I start.
10. I want to arrange and put everything in place before I start my business.
Now, the above are common excuses people give for not starting a business. This is especially after they have conceived a business idea. The truth is, an excuse is never valid, no matter the gravity or situation. As far as it is an excuse, it is not valid. What is an excuse? An excuse is something you present to yourself and others as the reason why you can't do or achieve a goal. But the point is, once you come up with a reason for not doing something, a reason for not starting your business, more reasons, excuses will come, and what these excuses do to you is to block your mental power from functioning well, so you start seeing the impossibility of achieving your goal. So, instead of seeing an excuse, see a way. A wise man once said, "instead of finding an excuse, find a way". This is true.
Let's consider the excuses above, and see how to be positive about them.
1. I don't have the capital :

Instead of saying this, why not ask yourself, "how can I get or raise the capital?" Robert Kiyosaki says, "A statement blocks the mind, but a question opens it up to see possibility". You can then make enquiry about this, either by asking a business mentor, or reading a book, or taking a course, all to find out effective ways of raising capital to start your business. You see, if you do this, you have succeeded in bringing yourself out of the rot of excuses and alibis.
Stop thinking someone is responsible when you are not accountable!
As written by

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