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Radom Poems by Kurtis Monson Adasi

Kurtis Monson Adasi

Balance Beam © 2015 Kurtis Monson
Caressing conversation with an old old friend.
Talking about morality, among other things.
I’m grateful he had an open ear to lend,
As I spoke of morality being not like a path, but a balance beam.
We naturally have a moral compass I believe,
We’re hardwired and conditioned from birth to know what’s right and wrong.
Some popular music speaks of so much immorality for fans to conceive.
These rappers speak of selling drugs, having guns and having sex in like every single song.
That’s rap vs hip hop though, leave that for another piece.
Walking along this balance beam, trying not to fall.
Sin is pure entertainment and never does it cease,
As I tread carefully, minding sin’s constant, unyielding call.
I think I’m a better man than I was before,
But the credit does not go to me,
When I get a little sin I just want more,
Need to entertain with video games and green tea.
Real life doesn’t come with an instruction manual.
Trial and error is where I started, and is where I still wander.
Making myself better is something I must make annual.
Evolution of the body, mind, soul is what I ponder.
Everyone you know can and might eventually let you down,
Not pessimistic just realistic views from maturity.
Treat everyone with kindness, for this earns you a crown,
And try not to drown in the world and it’s impurity.
For those waters are vicious and deep,
And there’s not always someone to throw you a rope.
Those waters are warm, alluring and cheap,
But there’s better ways to entertain and cope.
Someone asked me yesterday how I was doing,
I said ask me in a year or two later.
Doing what I can now, got some stuff brewing.
The endless pursuit of goals can only make me greater.
Caressing conversation with an old old friend,
Talking about life and other things to address.
I’m grateful I had an open ear to lend.
As I realize we’re all a work in progress.

2.  "The Cusp of Death" © 2013 Kurtis Monson
Why do we live on the cusp of death,
Thinking that it won't be us?
Why do some live and try our best,
Knowing the road ahead's gonna get rough?
Cuz nothing worth having in life's easy,
Failure isn't an option, until it happens.
I've failed enough times, believe me,
Down for the count, but I never started tappin.
So I said failure is when you're dead or locked up.
Even then, that’s not really so.
Like a prairie dog’s head, life tends to pop up,
But it’s all in how you handle yourself though.
Death isn’t a failure, just a transition,
Into the next realm of existence.
Like getting off the train and steppin on the platform,
Hopefully by then you’ll realize why you were born.
Atonement, now that’s success in my mind.
Completing a long term/life goal.
Postponement, of success when you can’t rewind.
I can’t find atonement in the ashes of a bowl.
Smearing ashes on your broken faces,
Finding peace in all the wrong places,
You get hemmed up and get some court cases,
Until you’re left crushed, fallen from God’s good graces.
Time to rebuild, a bit of reconstruction.
10 miles into the woods means 10 miles out.
The government cares about us, hence a tax deduction.
If you believe that it’s okay, for debate exposes doubt.
Read the writing on the walls,
And always get up after your falls.
If these walls could talk they would never be quiet,
But thankfully they can’t, so let them riot.
Happiness is an inside out job, you see
We must make ourselves happy first.
Problems are blessings, to the fullest degree.
Wish I’d known this since birth.

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