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Use your bank ATM machine local and international

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Image result for atm card photos

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Use your bank ATM machine local and international
Use your ATM on your bank machine

This is one of the most important, getting out of stress, not wasting resources. 
As we do this research to write this post. There are so many problems  associated with the heading above. 
The following are the identified problems and solutions 
Use your bank ATM machine local and international 
Use your ATM on your bank machine
Thus is one of the most important, getting out of stress, not wasting resources. 
As we do this research to write this post. There are so many problems  associated with the heading above. 
The following are the identified problems and solutions 
1.Debit without dispensing cash from the ATM machine. It takes between five to seven after applying to your bank for refund of the amount debited.This maybe frustrating if it during weekend or no fund in any of your bank account.It us a very big blow if you have unavoidable and urgent needs.

2. Suggested solutions. Fill your bank refund request form, it can be online for few banks. You need to go to your bank especially in the town of transaction to get a form from customers' care desk and fill.While you supply your account name, account number, first six number on your ATM card last few number on your ATM, amount to be refunded. Bank name where the withdrawal was initiated ,that branch name, time of the failed transaction...
Signature, your name and date. 
The aforesaid is very stressful process,that may lead to other mayhem,avoid them. 
I write to properly guide you,from this pit fall and to add up, boast your financial intelligence.
3.Withdrawal using your bank ATm machine, if your debited and cash not dispense,such transaction will only take few minutes to revert -credit back. 
ATM card tracking, seizure you can get back your card the same day or the day following.This not the rule applicable for use of other banks ATM machine. 
4. Avoidance of double charges for withdrawal from other banks over three times attract a charge, between N35-N65 (0.21$).This charge is outside the monthly normal charge for ATM machine maintenance.
We write to educate you in a way or write to remind you what you knew.
Do well to leave a comment on our site on how to improve and give the best.
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Best regards 
Team Awajiokanubon 

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