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"Still Learning" Kurtis "0shi" Monson//Obolo Son


"Still Learning"
 Kurtis "0shi" Monson

One must respect the white clothes, because they're easy to get dirty.
Life on the straight and narrow no longer swerving.
Letting go of conditioning that no longer can serve me.
The smaller I get, the more I see God.
Just walking the narrow path is a lifestyle, nothing odd.

When the desert isn't kind, the hot sun starts to seem too close.
You see an oasis of water that the locals never boast.
The water rejuvenates the body mind and soul.
One day he wants to have a heart of pure gold.

They ask me how do I know what do to? I just hold up my finger.
God navigates my life thus Hill will is what shall linger.
Trying to clear away myself to a mere whisper,
Seems the winter is coming bringing air ever so crisper.

Brick by brick we lay the foundation of our future house.
A nomadic life with Jesus as our banner, His intentions in our mouths.
One day I would love to sing baritone alongside Alison krauss.
One day soon I'll take this woman and make her my spouse.

I have trophy scars that I forget about sometimes when I pray.
That's better than a trophy wife that I forget about sometimes when I play.
Deposit cash without even counting it first, kind of odd.
Cause sometimes I trust an ATM more than God.
Guilty as charged, but i know that "Christian Guilt" isn't for me.
I prefer to allow His grace and mercy to play out the best I can.
As I'm still learning every day what it takes to be a good man.

Happily published by Awajiokanubon Team 




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