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"The Sun and The Son"



Kurtis Monson Adasi

"The Sun and The Son"


Debate exposes doubt,

Doubt corrodes the mind.

Rains destroy the drought,

And the sun warms the blind.


So the kid says a good prayer for an atheist,

He fought for his country but he's still not a patriot,

Cuz faith in something you've never seen with your eyes;

Can be hard when you're praying up into the skies.


Prayers go up, blessings come down.

Rain fills the cup, so we don't drown.

God's all around, in every single town,

So the kid prays, then breaks down.


He tastes his tears,

Indoctrinated for years.

The sum of all his fears,

His mind changes gears.


What is he's wrong, what if he's right.

There's no way to tell, always out of sight.

Faith is built on a mustard seed alone,

The one above waits, sitting on his throne.


Debate exposes doubt,

Doubt corrodes the mind.

The Sun, He is risen.

His abode in me is kind.


Ebirien Ephraim cares


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