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"September Winds"(Update)





Kurtis Monson Adasi

"September Winds"

I want to tell you about a tree that's never been sold,

And tell you it's about 50 lifetimes old,

These September winds will be getting a bit cold,

So I'll tell you a secret that's never been told.

If you question everything, your mind won't grow mold,

Where to draw the line is worth WAY more than gold.

I question many things, for God gave me a mind to think.

He let me question Him, so he showed me how life could "sync".

Divine synchronicity is as real as the air i breathe,

Unless you see it, it's hard to believe.

Unlike the air, you can see it with your own eyes.

Just like the His truth, you can question the worldly lies.


If God didn't want me to question religion,

I'd never know the difference.

Between us and them,

Brick by brick we build from the bottom up.

The tower was knocked down, the Babel started incoherence.

There was born the different languages, thus different words for God.

The "Source" is what, Who I love, not the many differences between us and them.

Brick by brick, let's try to unify again.

Build another tower, free of sin.

Free of pain, on the backs of the fortunate, for they are few.

Muslim, Christian, pagan, atheist or Jew.

The word for Him may change, with the language of the tongue,

But never question your capability to find out, He's the one.


You can question this, for I hope you do not blindly believe in words,

But an American Shaman can't decipher the songs of the birds,

Or the babble of the river, or the wind in the trees,

The God I praise knows about all of these.

September remind us of nine, which stands for delivery, completion of a life cycle of welling a new into the world.

This reminds me of the process of which everyone come in to existence.

I can not boost because only God permit our coming into this unknown world.





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