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Romancing the soul (Be the Change)

Romancing the soul (Be the Change)

I believe that the world have enough problems, troubles already, what is needed mostly now is solutions, answers to existing problems. Let the change we want begin with us.
I believe that you and I want to be part of the positive change we want to see in the world. I believe to be a force of productive change we strive to keep our focus on how we grow our wise and compassion heart.
To grow our heart we expand our level of personal compassion, respect, caring, responsibility, and desire for justice and equality for all people. We grow these heart-centered behaviors by asking ourselves hard questions with the goal of uncovering aspects of our behavior and attitudes that are preventing us from being our very best. Questions like:
What do we need to change about ourselves in order to be part of the progressive change we want to see in the world? Gossip, blame, apathy, denial, dishonesty, fear, prejudice, ignorance, rationalizations?
Are we allowing ourselves to be influenced and manipulated by negative, blaming, or one-sided opinionated news commentary that tears down other people or points of view?
Aren’t our religious beliefs supposed to foster our sense of worthiness, self-esteem, and feeling of connectedness to others?
Don’t we need to listen to other people with the goal of assuming we have something to learn?
For everyone we met we have something to learn from either good or bad
Socrates encouraged us to focus on growing awareness of our ignorance. He pointed out it is through establishing awareness of our thoughts, attitudes, behavior, and by admitting our ignorance about ourselves, other people, history, science, etc., that we approach the starting point of wisdom. Isn’t wisdom the result of becoming self-aware of our inner dialogue so we can educate ourselves to the ways we are ignorant? Isn’t becoming self-aware the way you and I provide greatest positive benefit to be the helpful change we want to see? Doesn’t self-awareness come from asking ourselves tough questions and seeking honest answers? I believe so.
I believe that wisdom is the principal thing. Get it.
Ebirien Ephraim

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