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Obolo is very rich in religious heritage as a way, style of life. The knowledge and teaching about Jesus Christ, the way to salvation through Jesus and Bible as the Greatest and Most Sacred Book. The Bible is the Most, Major belief of the people. Quite a sizeable number of the people believe in the existence and reality of God. From the 18th Century until now missionary activities have been very prominent. In the area, Christianity and African Traditional Religion are the major religion of the people.

The supreme being (God) is designated in Obolo language as AWAJI,OWAJI or OKAN-ENE which is the supreme deity of the Christian Religion, whilst the ancestors occupy an important place in the Traditional Religion and Beliefs System. This is designated in Obolo language as EBIKANN. The Traditional Religion is still being practiced in few villages with, the worship of Obolo National Deity, god, “THE YOK OBOLO”, though a very great number of the people have been converted to Christianity in years now. Very small of the people are into Armoc, Buddhist, Ekc, etc

The people believe in so many Divinities (Isi-Ebikann), among the lesser deities or divinities in the area is the “YOK OBOLO” otherwise known, regarded as the greatest deity of Obolo land. The people also that this divinity helps to protect and provide for them all their lives.

1.    OKE: The divinity in charge of ocean and other water bodies.
2.    Uga-Awaji: The goddess mother in charge of safe birth delivery
3.    Aman-Obolo: Female goddess of fertility
4.    Ewe-Itaraba: The god of thunder and war
5.    Izong Ama: The god of the land
6.    Isi-Ebikann: Image of the ancestors which is believe as protectors and very close helper in time of needs.
7.    Egbelegbe of Iyouba,Unyeada Kingdom: god in charge of great fishing harvest

The priest in charge of these divinities is called “OBAAN YOK”. Until the advent of Christianity, amidst other religions, these divinities were highly revered in almost all part of villages in Obolo land. As normal African Traditional Religion, the priest uses local gin in communicating with his ancestors each time.

Agwut Obolo and Ekede is very notable place in Obolo land concerning deity, divinities.
In the next post I will write more and recognized contribution from great Obolo sons and daughters for regular update of the aforesaid information. Together we can built a better history

Kind regards
Ebirien Ephraim

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