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Eleven reasons you should be having more sex!


Eleven reasons you should be having more sex!


The more benefits that have been attributed to having sex, the more beneficial reasons experts proffer on why you should have more!  Because, besides the happy ending that comes with great sex, it turns out there are a whole bunch of other reasons you should be getting your kicks between the sheets and here they are…

*It can make you look younger:   Is this possibly the best thing you’ve ever heard?  Did you know that having regular sex can actually make you look seven years younger?!  Researchers found the human anti-ageing hormone DHEA soars to five times its normal level after an orgasm.  So fling out your night creams and get cracking.


*It can improve fertility:   It might sound obvious but if you’re trying for a baby then the more sex you have, the more you increase your chance of getting a bun in the oven.  Because the more sex a man has, the higher the quality of his sperm.  So if you’re hoping for grade A swimmers, perhaps a morning, noon and night routine is just the job!

*It boosts your immune system:   Next time you’re feeling sniftly, reaching for the tissues and having a hot bath, just remember that your cold/flu may have been caused by lack of regular romping.  A regular amount of sex actually gives your immune system a welcome boost.  In short, the more you’re having sex, the less likely you are to be struck down by illness.

*It helps your heart:   It’s no secret that a good bedroom session gets the blood pumping.  But did you know it actually protects your heart in the long run?  Research has shown that having sex three times a week decreases the risk of heart attack by half.  In my eyes, that’s a pretty good reason to stay sexually active!

*It keeps you in shape:   A lot of people actually think this is a myth.  I can’t imagine why, because at the end of the day, sex is a physical activity, just like going to the gym.  So there’s no doubt that, as much as you’re enjoying yourself, you’re actually burning calories in the process.  Better still, after sex, you can enjoy that bar of chocolate completely guilty-free.


*It’s good for period pains:   Sure you could face some paracetamol in the hope that it’ll knock your menstrual cramps on the head but, believe it or not, sex is a natural pain killer.  Not only does a good romp help your muscles relax, it also releases endorphins – a natural pain reliever.

*It works on wrinkles:  Among all the wonderful chemicals that are produced during sex, oestrogen is another absolute miracle worker.  Its biggest benefit is that it tightens and smoothes lines on the face.  In other words, more sex equals less wrinkles.


*It makes you more attractive:   Okay, you’re not going to wake up in the morning looking like a supermodel.  But research has shown the more sex you have, the more attractive you are to the opposite sex.  It’s all down to science.  When you’re sexually active, your body releases more pheromones – the love chemical that attracts the men.

*It can make you live longer:    Now this really does seem too good to be true, but the root is in the pudding.  Apparently, if you’re having regular sex – more than twice a week – you can add up to eight years to your life expectancy.

*It can unblock your nose!:   This may seem a little strange but it’s true!  As well as all the other benefits, sex is also a natural anti-histamine.  So next time the pollen count is sky high, ease those itching eyes by getting a good romp!  So why are you still reading this?!


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