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Where did we go wrong to belong to Akwa Ibom State, our tasks masters?

For about 30yrs since the LG was created, no Akwa Ibom State govt has done anything for Eastern Obolo despite the enormous financial contributions from our commonwealth(crude oil) to Akwa Ibom state.

The wind of freedom is blowing faster and stronger for the strongest to resist.

Every successive govt will loot the proceeds from our God giving wealth to develop his community and continue to impoverished the minority Obolo ethnic Nationality , particularly, in Akwa Ibom State. This same, Akwa Ibom state is the richest state in Nigeria. Why because the golden geese continues to lay the golden eggs for the developments of other areas.

The activities of different seismic and drilling operations going on in the creeks and coastal areas in Eastern Obolo is impacting negatively on the ecosystems and thereby causing untold hardships to all riverine communities. Yet, no Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) probably, has been conducted.


Eastern Obolo so-called elders are avoiding being fingered out for speaking up. Rather, they're folding their hands watching ONE person to do everything for them. The Hon. MP, can't do it all alone. The leaders who have previously occupied positions of leaderships should rise up to support the lonely hands and speak to those who are looting our commonwealth to develop barren lands. Eastern Obolo shouldn't sit and continue to believe it's business as usual.


Mr. Emmanuel Udom has no reason as a Christian to show this highest level of barefaced hatred for the same people that produces the wealth he's swimming in. No commissioner or chairman of a reasonable statutory board has been appointed from Eastern Obolo for almost 6yrs; no infrastructures of any kind, no govt trademarks on the lands of Eastern Obolo since Mr. Udom assumed office since 6yrs ago. He's the first and only gov since the creation of Akwa Ibom state who blatantly refused to appoint an Eastern Obolo son/daughter into the State executive council in the history of Akwa Ibom State.

Where have we as a people from Eastern Obolo gone wrong that you should treat us with such inhumane and disdained manner and overtly demonstrated in your political appointments?


Eastern Obolo can't be eating the crumbs falling from your dining tables. We've seasoned sons and daughters as Deans, HODs, Lecturers in different Universities across Nigeria who are qualified to be appointed into the Akwa Ibom state Executive Council and statutory boards. We produced Professors, Medical and Academic Doctors, Architects, Accountants, Educationists, etc. who can fit into any level of managerial position in govt.

The cries of Eastern Obolo sons/daughters have ascended to the heavens. And God, has been busy looking into our petitions. We can see the sons/daughters of Eastern Obolo riding on the wings of Glory in Heavenly places. We've cried enough both in the openings and in our closets and God is making plans for HIS people (Eastern Obolo).


Appointment as Special Assistant (SA), to Governor on this and that is a SLAVERY appointment to appeased a wiping child. Even at this, how many SAs were allotted to Eastern Obolo? Definitely, not more that six (6) whereas, other LGs produced btw 20 & 25 SAs each.


I stand to be corrected, Eastern Obolo has been a major player in the politics of Akwa Ibom State and remained PDP strong-hold since 1990 till date, and also major financier to the govt of Akwa Ibom State. I still wonder if this outright neglect is an overtsight or deliberate attempt to imprisoned our minds or collective voices not to be heard?

I'll conclude this note by comparing our disadvantaged position to our kith and kin in the neighborhood Rivers State. The entire Andoni (Obolo) LG in Rivers State is an island and one couldn't access any village except through canoes or other seas vessels. But, today, 90% of all villages in Andoni and Opobo/Nkoro LGCs have been linked up with bridges and asphalt or paved roads. Besides, NO administration in Rivers State has neglected these areas in terms of appointments and elections into statutory offices. For instance, Engr. Tele Ikuru, is an Obolo (Andoni) son, he was the Deputy Gov to Amaechi for 8yrs; Prof. Gabriel Tobi, from Opobo/Nkoro, was a Deputy Gov to Dr. Peter Odilli.


Akwa Ibom State University was established by then Gov., Arch. Obong Victor Attah, and sited in Mkpat Enin and Eastern Obolo respectively. The original dreams for this project was truncated and attentions diverted. Be that as it may, a responsive govt should understand that Eastern Obolo should also benefit from whatever renovations done to the original plans. The University is expanding with structures springing up and extending to other communities without a single unit of classroom block sited in Eastern Obolo. Siting a single academic block in Eastern Obolo is a developmental stride to boost the qualities of lives in the area.

Eastern Obolo sons/daughters also matter in Akwa Ibom Sate and therefore, what's good for the geese is also good for the gander.

If a mother midwives her daughter at childbirth, she still needs to wash her hands.


A cry for help for my beloved Eastern Obolo people.

Isaiah Ijente, is a Licensed and Insured STRUCTURAL PEST MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT.

Published by Team Ebirien Ephraim



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