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This is life for you





This is why I said that all is not about getting rich, being in big position. This life is how many you can help, how many solutions you can give before you die, your own death.

"I have visited the expensive Homes of many of my Big friends and these are my few findings;They have well stocked library but no time and composure to read;They have a Standard swimming pool but no time to swim;They have many cars but always driven in the bullet proof one;They have home Gardens but no time for home picnic.They have all kinds of food on the table,but can only eat the one recommended by their Doctors.They have the most expensive phones but the app they know how to use are few.They have the best of gym but hardly in use.They have a Tennis Court but are hardly there.They have everything except time for themselves.And the clock ticks for Everyman and his vanities".

But how many of our politicians have learnt this? Most of them even struggle for souvenirs (at funeral and marriage ceremonies) that they have no need for, after stealing so much from the masses.
Apart from their fat salaries and allowances, they feed free, enjoy health care with their family members free, yet complain about lean resources. They waste our money to service their profligate lifestyle. The most painful thing is that they eventually come back to blame their successors who similarly refuse to learn!
However, I'm hopeful!



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