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I am a poet, this is a part of my life. I write and be very happy.

If I had the courage enough to see myself as I really am, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it, then I might have a chance to profit from mistakes and learn something from the experience of others, for I know that there is something wrong with me, or I would now be where I would have been if I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and time building alibis to cover them.


If I took risk enough earlier and try so many things to gain experience and discover many secret to earn from.

If I had known earlier that I am here in the world to do my best to not compete with any human other than myself, being better each day than my yesterday.

If I had known what I wanted in life and do self-discovery earlier

If I had been wealthy at the moment

If I had known that riches/wealth are within my reach

If I had a better planned for myself and depend on no one

If I had wake early to invest

If I had known that harvest season would surly come

If I had known that day/night/winter/summer will not ceased

If I had known the secret of achievement on time

If I had planned to sail in the direction of my dreams

If I had visions/dreams

If I had known all my does and doesn’t

If I had known that whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve

If I had better information

If I had been treated by others with hospitality by my colleague

If I had known the number of my days on earth

If I had redeemed my vows

If I had held to better advice

If conditions around me were favourable

If I will only follow the voice within me

If I had taken a risk…

If I had put in more extra effort…

If I had somebody to help during hard time…

If I had started so early….

If I had work whilst others relax…

If I had trusted the voice within me and know myself


The greatest if “If God be for us who can be against us” If I had the courage to see myself as I am. I will only learn fast from my mistakes of the past, then prepare myself and face the future with brevity. Learn from the mistakes of others and live the life I was born to live with joy and happiness.

Ebirien Ephraim




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