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Daily Brain Storming

Daily Brain Storming 

This is a period of reflection. Do this during the most productive hour of each day before daily activities.

 It is a period of having a picture of prayers, creeds,expectations,results. Everything is hard before it is easy. Where (in business, work or school) can I made big profit,success Am I doing the small business faithfully and successfully? Do I have hope of establishing large organization? 

What area can I used speed and flexibility to offer products or services faster, cheaper or better than the largest companies How can I double my income in the next three months 

How can render the best services at the business at hand Can there be better ways or opportunities of doing the business at hand?

 What changes do I have to make to begin making my current better? Which way can I help others without hurt? What,how will I start to do now for me to start living the kind of life I dream Do my ideas have allure/attractiveness?

 My business is an extension of my personality Denis Whitley says "Your imagination is your preview of life's attractions"

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