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Consciousness Shapes our Reality

Consciousness Shapes our Reality
Kurtis Monson Adasi

The poet is a black American,Proudly Nigerian-African

All emotions, either come from love or fear,
They are the only true emotions, and this I hold dear.
That of which I can’t questions enslaves me,
And that which defeats my ego seems to enrage me.
A candle in a dark room illuminates a space,
Yet darkness can’t snub out the light in the same place.
My God, I hope I never get too far away and go astray;
Your grace catches me when I fall, and you never betray.
I don’t question you, only the religions that hold you high.
I used to question you, but you showed many answers when I asked why.
Emotions can only be conquered by a warm embrace,
Not fighting them, which most of us do at a good pace?
Consciousness shapes the reality we see and feel,
Not to be convoluted by fearful egos that can’t accept what’s real.
The mistranslations of time have left man in a dissonance,
As man tries to wrap his mind around Father Time and his inference.
Time isn't even real, no need to dabble.
We call God different names thanks to the Tower of Babel,
As we “groupthink” and can’t separate the truth from the rabble.
A fire in a dark room illuminates a space,
Yet darkness can’t snub out the light in the same place.
I want to think on my own, but not love on my own,
I’m not embarrassed to say I think I’ve endured much pain and grown.
My ego must be quieted, so I can try to hear the Divine,
Luckily, for that I don’t have to wait for the stars to align.
I consistently see things that I can only interpret as a sign.
They diagnose people, calling them schizophrenics,
And dispense drugs that fight energy hallucinogenics.
In other cultures, these might be called shaman peoples.
In these same cultures they don’t pass baskets to build higher steeples.
If I could separate me from myself, would I stay away from me?
Spend time in the astral, go on a knowledge spree?
What I thought I wanted was to be free from my ego,
But I must embrace its emotions, for they are what make us people.
A blaze in a dark room illuminates a space,
Yet darkness can’t snub out the light in the same place.
How can anyone go through life, having never loved?
Or not question what they’re taught about what’s below and above.
Constantly seeking knowledge leads to evolution and suffering,
I’ll never be complete, for each new concept requires buffering.
I must analyze my ambitions and nurture moral inhibition,
As I shed my old skin which was comprised of contrition.
An inferno in a dark room illuminates a space,
As the infinite energy flows, suffering just escapes

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