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Unyeada Fishing Festival-A reflection

Unyeada Fishing Festival – Ijok-Irin Obolo Itiki.
July 6th every year.
We are writing this as a reflect of effort of making Obolo Ebolo History

On behalf of His Royal Majesty, King (Dr.) I. U Otuo IX (JP) Okaan-Ama Unyeada Kingdom and the good people of Unyeada Kingdom, from Unyeada Town, the ANCESTRAL HEADQUARTERS of Unyeada Kingdom to other satellite towns and villages, we wish to sincerely thank everyone for being law abiding in line with the directive of the banned on Unyeada Fishing Festival 2020 by HE the Executive Governor Rivers State CHIEF BARR .E N WIKE.
It is also pertinent to state in strong terms, that the security situation in Unyeada and Andoni
L.G.A in general has improved significantly without any fear of criticism.
We use this platform to conmend the efforts of the State government and that of the Local government in superitending over security of lives and properties in Andoni communities that is not to say that work is completely done. This platform will not join issues with anyone or group of people who see the contrary. We remain apolitical in our presentation as this platform does not represent the interest(s) of any pressure group or political party.
However, as usually being preached by HRM KING (Dr.) I. U OTUO IX (JP) OKAAN-AMA UNYEADA KINGDOM Kingdom, we urge all warring group to embrace reconciliation and borrow a leaf from his COMPENDIUM of PEACE in leadership which had earned him recognitions both locally and internationally.
Unyeada Fishing Festival (Ijok-Irin), is an annual fishing festival by the peace loving Obolo people of Unyeada Kingdom in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State.
The festival locally known as "Ijok-Irin", marks the end of fishing season of migratory fishing expedition of the Unyeada people spaning the length and breath of the GULF of GUINEA .
Traditionally, the annual fishing season of Unyeada people ends in July and begins August and September.
Our ancestors were great warriors and fishermen who explored far into the NIGER DELTA in search of fish during the fishing season and receded to join their aquentances to celebrate their BIGGEST CATCH .
Sometimes the catche will be smoked out by firewood for months before the end of fishing season. Before advent of christianity, It was a taboo for any Unyeada fishermen to eat the biggest catch alone.
Historically, according to the tradition of the Ijo people who are PREDOMINANTLY FISHERMEN, the biggest catch is honored and the head of such fish will not be traded with levity, if not properly shared among head of war canoe houses could lead to disintegration and crisis.
In similar culture, on the arrival of these Unyeada fishing folk back home, they will gathered for spiritual blessings at different WAR CANOE HOUSES while they present their biggest catches before chiefs and elders.
The most elderly man in the house will enchant spiritual blessings for such person who wl finally be crown as KING of FISH.
A native dried fish salad called "Ogo", will be prepared by a septuagenrian woman locally known as "Okurukwut Ugane". She is traditionally considered to clean fitting to present such an important meal for the entire kindred.
In the third day after different cultural events such as INSPECTION OF FISHING GEAR, CANOE REGATTA, FISHING and SWIMMING Competitions. The event will culminated into "IJIMANGI", a procession of warriors usually madeup of men to the OTUO OGBOLAKON WARRIOR SQUARE where cannon will be shoot and the AKAMA WAR DRUM will been beaten for initiation of young men into warfare.
Developments of IJOK-IRIN
In recent years, efforts have made by many people to rebrand the Unyeada Fishing Festival (Ijok-Irin) into a flagship fishing festival in Rivers State. In 2015, at the inception of His Exellency, The Executive Governor of Rivers State Chief Barr. E N Wike was represented by the Honorable Commissioner Rivers State Ministry of Agriculture, MRS ONINIM JACKS who declared the 2016 NEW FISHING SEASON on at UNYEADA. The festival for the first time was recognized by Rivers State Government. Corperate organizations like Airtel Nigeria and Rima Micro Finance Back etc. supported the festival.
In 2016, the Unyeada Fishing Festival witnessed a large turn out, Rivers State Ministries of Tourism and Agriculture officially adopted festival as state festival. The edition was adjudged as the best. It witnessed Group Fishing "Ogbo-njin", Street Fishing Carnival, Public Lecture/Fish Exhibition and Award of King of Fish to the best Fisherman in Unyeada Kingdom.
The Unyeada Fishing Festival is now a flagship of Rivers State Cultural Tourism, our long term plans and partnership is paying off as Federal Government of Nigeria through the National Commission for Museums and Monuments have concluded plan to build UNYEADA FISH Musuem, the first fish museum in Nigeria.
We see this as a vehicle of development in our kingdom, let it be once again stressed that we should give peace a chance.
We use this medium to appeal to H E the Governor of Rivers State and the Rivers State Government to include Unyeada Kingdom in his development plan.
Unyeada Kingdom passionately begged you for just one thing, the CONSTRUCTION of BRIDGE across the Isi-Okwan Unyeada channel, to link Kaa waterside in Khana to Ajakajak Town in Andoni Local Government Area through to many towns and villages in the kingdom.
Long live the King of Unyeada
Long live Unyeada Kingdom
Long live Obolo Nation
Long live Rivers State
Long live Nigeria
Ebirien Ephraim

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