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Better than Resume (Update)

Better than Resume
Romancing Your Soul
I have a long professional resume documenting my educational and work experience. It’s impressive to look back and see all I’ve done in that arena of life. But I believe the most important resume you and I have is that of our experience in how we BE in relationship to others.

Do we choose to take the high road and refuse to ego-box with others? Do we self-assess to work on self-improvement? Are we kind, peaceful and honest? Do we listen as we want to be heard – to understands, not just respond? Do we help others? Do we practice non-judgment and empathy? Do we seek fact and truth? Do we value being a person of admirable values? Do we do the right thing even when no one is watching?

What we do in the world for work and as a profession is important. But how we treat others while doing what we do is the most important part of our life-resume. It does not take fancy degrees, titles or financial wealth to treat others as we want to be treated. It just takes a big heard.
As I trek down on the sea shore, with natural music I reflect on these.
I stayed counting, and tracing back the kindness I showed and received direct pay of evil from the same fellow. I can now say, don't expect any return from mankind, less you will leave with pain, sadness and worries all days long.
But, in all the ways chances show kindness, make someone feel happy for you. God usually pay back in His own manner and time.If we can count achievement and prestige by how many solutions we have given, how many lives we have touched.Knowing we are here briefly, to boost but to pounder and think of how limited we are in everything including this life.
Reflect on these things. Romancing the soul 

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Ebirien Ephraim cares

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