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"Unentitled"Kurtis Monson Adasi

                                Kurtis Monson Adasi

2019 Kurtis Monson Adasi 

Obolo Itiki,Proudly African
Breathe in,
Fall out.
Like a feather falling to destinations beautiful.
The Code and laws of the land are why I'm dutiful.
Disciplined disciples have dedication of the distantly old.
The message of Jesus, written on my soul.
Whose mind and heart were made of gold.
Letting go of control completely, utterly I surrender!!!
Breathing his Love, flying the kites with such splendor.
Minding the light poles' splinters,
Not to fear the shadows of winter.
If the kites get stuck in the power-lines of self,
It's time to dust off these books on the shelf...
Breathe in,
Grief out.
To the solar plexus,
3rd chakra , the Nexus.
The glass is Plexi,
Minds can get messy.
Breathing in,
Teething out.
Death to all desire,
Means feeding this Holy Fire.
Detachment and a brain rewire.
Tempted by the petty,
Heart overflows His levee.
Jesus went high on the mount,
His love is my River, even the Desi.
The Essenes taught us how to Breathe.
The Essenic essence of the Divine.
The Essenes, the scenes, the Love Supreme.
They taught Jesus how to Breathe In.
The smaller I get the more I see Him.
Minimizing who I thought I was,
Having humble confidence in the Lord Above.
He is my strength, He is my shield.
His Love is the only weapon that I care to wield.
His intricate designs, minding the sunflower field!
He's Love. He's Truth with a capital T.
His Army ls risen oh yes can't you see?
He's alive in all of us, even you and me.
His ways understood by the few and the masses.
I shall never know what a loneliness class is.
I needed some truth, needed some fact kids.
So the fact is seen through the blind man's new glasses.
In the valley of the shadows, I had two free passes.
I seek the education of the most Divine.
Yet not wanting initiation into a sect sublime.
The Mystery Schools are collecting dust, that's just fine.
Because the smaller i get the brighter God shines.
I don't need a mystery school today,
Or even a seminary.
I just know that the Holy Fire is legendary.
My way of life can't ever be secondary.
Meditate and feel the lights all around.
Moshi, Moses his lips were bound.
He was a commander, strategy abound!
Yeshua, Moshi and father Ibrahim,
Your foundation of Love is so so serene.
I pray these words are acceptable in thine eyes.
I pray to keep me feet on the ground with my Head in the skies.
I pray my mind stay stable, clear and without lies.
I know the Love of the father never met its demise.
I pray this in Jesus' Name.
The Christ, AMEN.
God adores pretty,
Yet God loves ugly.
I don't see Him as a sitting on a cloud,
Looking down to just judge me.
There's no old man with a white beard,
He's inside, all around and above me.
As formless as water, as formless as Fire.
As graceful as a ballerina, Love can transpire.
God loves Ugly,
Yet God adores pretty.
I adore the path, especially the Siddhis.
Jesus was his Son,
Buddha a great messenger.
The Trinity is powerful, but Jacob wasn't a wrestler.
Yet he slept under that tree, That Ladder the grand leveler.
The stairway to Heaven after fighting an angel.
The four corners of the Earth, the Earth and gets mangled.
33 steps on that ladder, seems a bit much.
7 steps to Heaven is my favorite crutch.
The chakras are Portals, doors to the 4D and such.
Breathe God in,
To exhale myself out.
The smaller I am within,
The more God gets out.
Breathe in Divinity,
Like The Authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Essenes.
Essenic breathing, with vibrations serene.
Then the chakras ignite, I feel my chest buzzing and heating.
Physical repercussions from meditation and diet.
Had I known this was all I needed, I would've already tried it.
The best thing in life, I can't even buy it.
Power vs. Force it's up to us to choose.
In this life of illusions it's not fun to get lost in the blues.
Goodbye Holy Mountains, goodbye sweet sweet Maya.
It was to you I must detach and untie ya.
The anchor on my heart and mind, time to fry ya.
I must continue to love our mother, some call her Gaia.
Maya, girl, it took me many centuries to even find ya.
Your rat race train was my only Messiah.
Til in found out what it feels like to be your pariah.
Now I can return to the Love of Moshi and Jeremiah.
The rat race was fun, but I'm getting off at the next stop.
The event horizon is on the next block.
I'll use the Godly Positioning System and a stopwatch.
My GPS is received through synchronicity Divine.
Coincidence had never happened,
Thank God, just one more time.
Got off work one day, at a resort now not so near.
The kids on the beach, their voices filled my ears,
As I swam with the sharks in dirty water last year.
Focused on the slow stances of Tai Chi against the waves,
Not ready yet not fearing a watery grave.
Carried by and reinforced by His Fiery grace.
I left my dear fear in water that day after work.
Fear is oil, yes faith is water.
They'll never mix, the balance beam of morality I shall not totter!
What's the point?
Sinful entertainment is a mental slaughter.
Like a good sniper, I need a good spotter.
To destroy my frienemies with the dirty lovely hands of squatter.
I'm unentitled to enjoy degrading media.
I must remember to feed my mind wholesome goods.
I'm unentitled to a selfish life and I mean it.
I burn with the power of Christ, risen is the Phoenix.
This Byrd left his old life behind in an ashy egg, old life.
I fly having been reborn in The Buddha and Jesus Christ.
Breathe in,
Fall out.
Like a feather falling to destinations beautiful.
The Code and laws of the land are why I'm dutiful.
Disciplined disciples dedication of the distantly old.
The message of Jesus written on my soul.
Whose mind and heart were are still made of gold.
Letting go of control to completely, utterly I surrendered.
Breathing his Love, enjoying the Matrix, Maya's hypnotic splendor.
Not to fear the shadows of winter.
Even if the kites get stuck in the power-lines of self,
I'm always grateful for these books on the shelf.

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