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Credited to Kurtis Monson Adasi. Gwun Ogwu Obolo

I’ll take all of my newly discovered pain,
Melt it down to liquid,
Then slowly pour it back into the world.
The smell brings tears to my eyes,
The fumes bring flames to hopeful goodbyes.
The weight of the world,
Reduced to liquid pain,
The winter is coming, my bed is ready.
Ready to keep me safe from new pain.
The inevitable truth of some suffering in life,
Most of my problems are of my own making.
Yet some are from others’ reflections of themselves onto me,
The ego is a fragile baby with a shield to protect itself,
And a sharp sword to dissolve others into a pile of regret.
The spring is coming, my mind is ready.
Ready to let down its walls, to become vulnerable once again.
If seeking brings suffering, let me seek no more.
If I seek validation in the wrong ones, then may I learn and learn well.
Lessons given but never learned.
Pain stricken but never burned.
All things heal in time, yet I have no clock.
The pillow of regret resting on a bed of hopeful condemnation.
A blanket of change to keep me warm from consternation.
This is the last time I confide into characters little understood,
This is the first time I’ve seen a situation stuck in the woods.
I can find solace in the suffering,
for it’s an inevitability of life.
I find no comfort in the rain,
But aspirations in the clouds,
Which hide the many stars.
And fear of the future can wash away
Any chance to enjoy this very minuscule moment.

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