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                                          Paul Iyogun

Be highly inspired for inspiration is a well that never go dry. I know that to be true also.
Use word and encourage others, then you will have more happiness in returns that what I am doing to you now. Read on…  
We will give you more of is wonderful piece of inspired words frequently. Stay tuned read more be inspired.

Over the years, I have realized that the more of a subject that I teach, the better my knowledge is of the subject.

Help others wield their sword against the vicissitudes of life and you will be mastering areas of life that might come up against you someday.

When you row another person across the river you get there yourself. @OfficialPaulInspires
Do not expect much from people who have not invested time and resources in adding to themselves.

Hustle is good but it will never take the place of a life long skill earned from sound education.

An empty sack cannot stand. @OfficialPaulInspires

Every discipline at the tertiary level of education zeroes in on specific areas as you advance in it. There is a reason why a biology student is not permitted to carry out a surgery that a licensed surgeon can.

If you find yourself struggling in your career, it may be that there is need for more education to qualify for bigger and better opportunities.

A kitten can catch only a baby mouse. @OfficialPaulInspires
Have you missed opportunities because you were inexperienced to know what you had? Such opportunities may return but when it does, you might be too old for it.

At this present time, attend seminars, learn new skills, read books, utilize the internet in research like you are preparing a thesis. Invest time in growing intellectually.

He who waits until the whole animal is visible spears its tail. @OfficialPaulInspires

I (Paul) attempted to end my own life three times because I was fed up with poverty & rejection.

Looking back today, I realize that my journey had to have deep roots of a mentally capable individual whose trial is to be a map for someone who is where I once was.

Suicide is an ignorant person's way of conceding to the devil in thwarting God's masterpiece (YOU). @OfficialPaulInspires

When you stop looking at what family and friends are not doing for you, you will begin to see what God has in store for you.

Being a go-getter is good ONLY if you understand that after "that" getting, get understand.

If the motive to success/achievement is wrong, you will consider illegal options to circumvent the right/legal/godly steps.

He who longs too much for a child will marry a pregnant woman. @OfficialPaulInspires
Be reachable, be accessible to others, give other the opportunity to connect with you.

NO MAN IS AN ISLAND. Bad character can eclipse your giftings and talents.

Who is brave enough to tell the lion that his breath smells? @OfficialPaulInspires
Be willing to make the move if you want the right results, be willing to take the step if you need to know the path. 

EVERYTHING YOU DO RIGHT IS AN ADDITION TO YOUR LIFE ON YOUR DESTINY PATHWAY. It may not be easy but it will be worth it if you persevere.

The sheep that wants to grow a long horn must have a strong skull. @OfficialPaulInspires
No matter the person's relationship to you, show gratitude for whatever is done for you. 

He who knows how to be grateful is said to be one who never lacks.

Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author. @OfficialPaulInspires

There are people who have turned a new leaf, struggled to become a better version of themselves yet no one believes the change in them.

If you fall into this category, you may need to see yourself through the eyes of others. You may still be exhibiting a flaw that you are unaware of; do not be frustrated, find it and fix it.

One of the qualities of a good perfume is that it lingers long after the wearer has left.

While you network, offer some services/time for free, you will need an appealing character that etches your personality in the memory of those you meet at this time.

It is a nasty bird that messes in its own nest. @OfficialPaulInspires

Think about it, there is no such thing as fear of the future. It is not the unknown that scares you, it is the fear of a repetition of a past.

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