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What Form My Happiness

Written and Posted by: Jerry, Ephraim

In psychology, happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

My happiness come from my little contribution to the development of humanity, I am sure this is the greatest achievement and this will be one of best contribution in return for my existence.

I am glad to write brief post about what give me great joy untold, immeasurable joy overflow I cannot keep the inspiration for long without writing I will lost it forever or get back a diluted version.

Sorry, let me write as a poet, I will like to say in summary that for more than ten years now. I have done voluntary teaching of MATHEMATICS as one of my best. Although mathematics is seen as the most challenging subject globally. I am glad I have trained many and I am fulfilled that I have great engineers of first class degree.
St. Francis of Assisi called me an artist I never know.Look at this quote He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and head is a craft man. He who works with his hand, head and heart is an Artist.
You may not have happiness from other things that interest you. But , there can no happiness compared to the one derived from the development of others. Oh what a joy. Do more any good thing that change your mode positively-make you happiness no satisfaction than that.
I now believed what Harvey S. Firestone said “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.
I am glad to know this truth on time. Developing others appeal to me daily,I don’t know in totality if that is my callings. Considering this truth that the purpose for leadership is to produce leaders, just like a boy that does not only mean a male child but, a person who is going to sit right where they sat when they have gone. That is the best definition of future leaders. Need for training them today. The will be a better place with better leaders.

In my next post I will mention few leaders who influenced me positively and also those I am also a little blessing to in bringing up the man in them.

Being a poet a great joy for me. I love to share this short of my short poem “What form my happiness”

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